3 Ways to Include Religion Into Your Wedding…even if you aren’t religious.

Here Are 3 Ways To Include Religion Into Your Wedding Even If You Aren’t Religious
It’s tough to get away from it: religion is a HUGE part of wedding ceremonies. There’s no way around it. Even if you want to avoid, ignore or disavow your beliefs from traditional beliefs espoused at weddings, it’ll be tough to do so. Besides, mom, dad and grandma might be offended if the biggest event of your life is lacking the religious-nod.
Here are 3 Ways to include religious expression without offending your own beliefs:
Music is the primary method of incorporating religious elaborations into your ceremony.
You’ll need to pick music for the seating, the entrance, the processional, and the recessional at least. You might consider many of the religious, instrumental options out there. You can stream YouTube channels by the search title, “religious instrumental music.” You’ll find hours of music familiar to those who attend religious worship services. You can make them happy simply by playing some nice, instrumental tunes before the festivities begin. (If you’d like more to read regarding ceremony writing and preperation go here…)
Readings may include poems, short stories, proverbs, and inspirational quotations. They almost always including religious writings from holy books.
Depending on how the readings are prefaced, a somewhat ambiguous passage on love and relationships from the Bible, the Koran or Bhagavad Gita will elude to the marriage-beliefs of your relatives without making the entire ceremony about those beliefs.
Prayers are another common way to incorporate religious history into the present experience.
I know what you’re thinking, Prayers are the most religious thing you can think of! In actuality, prayers are a very touching way to include friends and family. A prayer is a brief communication of what a person hopes will happen. In the case of a wedding, most religious people will pray for blessings and good things to happen for the couple. How can that be bad?
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